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IMPORTANT! If you have any symptoms of cold or flu, such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, please call 250-940-4444 to reschedule.

Remembering Matthew Jackson: Donations to the Matthew Jackson Memorial Fund will celebrate Matthew’s passion for physiotherapy and providing care to others, his active, healthy lifestyle and great love of the outdoors. Your gift will pay tribute to Matthew’s life and career by supporting students in the Faculty of Medicine at UBC. To make a donation please follow the following link:

Remembering Matthew Jackson
Donations to the Matthew Jackson Memorial Fund will celebrate Matthew’s passion for physiotherapy and providing care to others, his active, healthy lifestyle and great love of the outdoors. Your gift will pay tribute to Matthew’s life and career by supporting students in the Faculty of Medicine at UBC. To make a donation please follow the following link:


RebalanceMD is Complete Orthopaedic, Physical Medicine & Sports Injury Care in Victoria, BC

Get back on your feet with one-stop physiotherapy, bracing & orthotics, and rehabilitation at the centrally-located RebalanceMD clinic at Uptown.
Book your physiotherapy appointment online now.


One Bracing Online
Shop Now Open!

The shop is now online, visit today for your Bracing, Sports Medicine, and Post-Op needs.


Knee Kinesiography (KneeKG) Available at RebalanceMD Physiotherapy

KneeKG is a clinical examination that accurately and objectively assesses the patient's complete knee movement - flexion / extension, rotation (internal and external) and abduction / adduction. KneeKG can help people suffering from: - Osteoarthritis - Knee Pain - Ligament or Meniscal Injuries - Anterior Knee Pain / Patellofemoral Syndrome


Rapid Access Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Neuromuscular Medicine Clinic

We have recently expanded our electrodiagnostic medicine lab (running 5 days / week). We are excited to introduce our Neuromuscular Medicine Clinic, Rapid Access Carpal Tunnel Syndrome / Ulnar Nerve Clinic and Complex Nerve Injury Clinic. This clinic has been setup to address the full spectrum of neuromuscular medicine disorders

Seniors cooking healthy foods
Orthopaedics doctors consultation
Healthy and active senior hiker

RebalanceMD specializes in:

Comprehensive Care

At RebalanceMD in Victoria, BC we’re passionate about musculoskeletal health and strive to provide expert, quality and accurate care, holding ourselves to the highest standard of health care excellence. We believe in a more efficient and effective health care environment, firmly rooted in innovation, research, education, collaboration, and community involvement.

Comprehensive Care

At RebalanceMD in Victoria, BC we’re passionate about musculoskeletal health and strive to provide expert, quality and accurate care, holding ourselves to the highest standard of health care excellence. We believe in a more efficient and effective health care environment, firmly rooted in innovation, research, education, collaboration, and community involvement.

RebalanceMD specializes in:


Bryony Graham, Victoria BC

“RebalanceMD made the process simple – they provide you with a ‘navigator’ and that person helps you connect all the various dots throughout your recovery process…and that person helps you prepare for surgery both physically and mentally, ensures that you know how to use the many services provided by Rebalance, connects with you again soon after surgery, and is available to answer questions during recovery…”

Kryn Zedel, Victoria BC

“It’s been inspiring getting to visit RebalanceMD. It’s as much the personal attention and professionalism displayed by staff as it is seeing the diversity of patients within RebalanceMD. You can have a teenager with a bad knee getting help to a 95 year-old – that’s special. It’s the community of patients all striving to get better with the personal support of RebalanceMD that’s unique.”

D.T.H. van der Merwe, Victoria BC

“My schedule is tricky – I’m constantly bouncing in and out of training sessions. RebalanceMD’s flexibility in building around my life has been huge for me…and as well, they’ve got world-class staff – I put them in the same category as any pro team I’ve dealt with…”

Michelle Boss, Victoria BC

” As I recovered from hip replacement surgery, I dreamed of getting some adventure back. I’d had enough of limping through life. Kilimanjaro was in my mind, but I had no idea if that was realistic or not…”

How can RebalanceMD help you?

Get in touch and let’s get started helping you feel better.

Call us at 250.940.4444
or email us at