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Michelle Boss

Getting Adventure Back

Michelle Boss, Victoria BC

“As I recovered from hip replacement surgery, I dreamed of getting some adventure back. I’d had enough of limping through life. Kilimanjaro was in my mind, but I had no idea if that was realistic or not. I did my rehab exercises as prescribed and gradually was able to increase the distance I could walk, and didn’t let go of that cane until Dr. Stone said I was ready! At my 3 month post-op I asked him if it was okay to undertake a challenge like Kilimanjaro within the next two years. He said “Send me a picture from the top”.

A walk down the driveway was a big deal at that point, so there was a long way to go. I kept up with rehab at RebalanceMD and on my own. It’s a bit of a mental game to go to the gym and do little leg lifts when everyone around you is doing back squats, but I had my goals. I knew what I had gone through and I didn’t care if they judged me. Slowly and mostly steadily I got stronger and my hikes got longer. On the one year anniversary of the surgery I booked my trip to Tanzania. A few months later, a little over a year and a half after surgery, I achieved my goal of hiking up Kilimanjaro! I had absolutely no issue with my new hip. In fact, I felt 100% confident about it the whole way.

Thank you so much to Dr. Stone and the team at RebalanceMD. Here is a picture from the top. (Photo Credit Laura Grover)”