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Driving Directions from Trans-Canada Highway

Getting here can be easy, if you know your route. Please take a look below at our detailed driving directions for patients from up-island.


#104 – 3551 Blanshard St.
Victoria, BC V8Z 0B9

250. 385.9600

Step-By-Step Driving Directions

Drive south on Malahat/Trans-Canada Highway

Turn left at Tillicum Rd (Next exit after the large McKenzie/Admirals intersection)

Turn right on to Carey Rd

Turn left on to Ravine Way

Turn right on to Route 17 (Blanshard St South) and stay in right-most/curbside lane

Turn right into Uptown parkade before the next set of lights. There is a large black vertical sign that says “Uptown”

If you reach Saanich Rd you have gone too far, Uptown takes up the entire city block between Ravine Way and Saanich Rd

If you need further assistance planning your trip in advance or trying to find us at the time of your visit please (pull over and) call 250-940-4444, press “0”


Parking is free and is limited to 4 hours.