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Bryony Graham

A Greener Future

‘Limping off the course’ – that’s the situation Bryony Grahram found herself in when she tore her meniscus teeing off of hole one at Prospect Lake golf course.

Leading an active and positive life, it wasn’t overly surprising that an injury like this was on its way – Bryony’s enjoyed gardening, walking and golfing for nearly the entirety of her 70 years.

So a serious injury is discovered – now what? Step 1: Bryony checked in with her family physician and she was referred to a physician at RebalanceMD. From there, RebalanceMD’s 100+ team of elite health professionals take over.

“RebalanceMD made the process simple – they provide you with a ‘navigator’ and that person helps you connect all the various dots throughout your recovery process…and that person helps you prepare for surgery both physically and mentally, ensures that you know how to use the many services provided by Rebalance, connects with you again soon after surgery, and is available to answer questions during recovery…”

The nature of Bryony’s injury led her to needing a knee replacement – a process that can feel overwhelming without the right support around you. RebalanceMD’s polite and professional staff pride themselves on a personal approach to their work – making every effort to ensure patients feel comfortable and part of a team based recovery process.

“In a nutshell RebalanceMD is a very personal organization – I could call my navigator at any point and ask questions about anything. Things as simple as when my next appointment is or finding the right time. They’re there for you.”

Fast forward to 2 1/2 years since the injury, and only 3 months since the surgery, and Bryony has her life back. From gardening in the day time to playing with her grandchildren at night. Bryony’s story is one of many in the community of which Rebalance is proud to be a part.