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Dr. Patrick McAllister Volunteers Teaching Surgeons in Tanzania

By October 21, 2012July 16th, 2017No Comments

At RebalanceMD we are both local and global citizens. As leaders and innovators in musculoskeletal care we have the social responsibility share our expertise with those in need.

This past summer, Dr. Patrick McAllister completed his second volunteer term at one of East Africa’s largest rehabilitation facilities, Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation Tanzania(CCBRT.) Located in Tanzania’s capital Dar Es Salaam, CCBRT is the largest indigenous provider of disability and rehabilitation services in the country. Every year the lives of 120,000 adults and children are improved through CCBRT’s services.

Dr. McAllister’s first involvement with CCBRT was in February of 2011 when he spent four weeks at the care facility with the goal of improving access to hip and knee reconstructive surgery in adults while attempting to develop a program the organization could use to try to fund some on their charitable work in the children’s orthopaedic realm. Here he encountered the various challenges that face local organizations including limited funds and antiquated equipment (often outdated models sent from Europe.) He also grew fond of the passion and resourcefulness of the locals. Hoping to build an ongoing relationship with the organization, he returned again in June of 2012.

Aside from his term at CCBRT, McAllister toured a variety of other facilities in the region including those partnered with the private non-profit non-governmental organization Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services in Uganda in and around North Eastern Uganda. He plans to continue to research ways in which he can have an impact abroad.

“I’ve reaped a lot of benefit from my work in Victoria both professionally and personally,” says McAllister “I might as well devote some of my time and energy and the special skills that I have into making some other place a little bit better.”

Orthopaedic surgeons