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Knee Replacement Rehabilitation Coaching System Study

By November 15, 2017June 7th, 2018No Comments

RebalanceMD and Claris Healthcare have come together to trial an exciting new in-home rehabilitation coaching system. Claris Reflex is an electronic sensor for patients undergoing Total Knee Replacement.

The sensor is worn on the patient’s knee each day during rehabilitation, combined with a tablet computer. The tablet and sensor guide the patient through pre and post-surgical activities such as exercises and icing and reports on pain status and range of motion to ensure optimal recovery. This data is also sent to your caregiver so they can monitor your progress during recovery and ensure you are on track.

Claris Reflex is currently in the study stages to ensure the coaching system is easy to use, effective and reliable. Claris Healthcare Inc. of Vancouver B.C. intends to commercialize the system as a new medical device to be made available worldwide.

The study is now closed

If you are interested in learning more about it you can find an informational video or be directed to the Claris Reflex website by following the links listed below.