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Visitor from CoRSU Hopsital, Uganda

By September 28, 2017No Comments

In September 2017 Christine Tusiime travelled from Kampala, Uganda, Africa to spend time at RebalanceMD and our allied health locations in Victoria, BC.

The purpose of her visit was to continue the on-going supportive relationship between RebalanceMD (The Rebalance Legacy Society) and The Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services in Uganda (CoRSU) Hospital.

Christine is the head of the Physiotherapy Department at CoRSU with a special interest in paediatrics. Her experiences in Victoria included:

A visit to The Queen Alexandra Centre for Children’s Health

A visit to The Children’s Development Center at West Hills

A visit to The Children’s Development Center in Nanaimo

A visit to the Victoria General Hospital

Spending time at RebalanceMD in all departments

Spending time with RebalanceMD CEO, Stefan Fletcher, to gather insight on an expansion to CoRSU’s rehabilitation department – strategic planning and development.

In 2018 a group from the Rebalance Legacy Society will, again, visit CoRSU Hospital to continue Education and capacity building in the areas of sports medicine, physiotherapy, pre & post surgical rehabilitation, plus injury prevention.

More info about the Rebalance Legacy society can be found here: