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D.T.H. van der Merwe

Captain Canada chooses Rebalance for high performance treatment

South African born, Victoria B.C. raised – D.T.H van der Merwe is broadly considered one of Canada’s most elite rugby athletes having captained and been capped by Canada more than 40 times. When he’s not buzzing by defenders on the wing – or flying country-to-country for his next match – he’s home in Victoria training for his next match.

“Though I moved over to Canada when I was 17 – I consider Victoria home. My friends are here and my family lives just up island – I love it here in Victoria…and I needed a high performance partner that would be able to support my physical needs. RebalanceMD is that partner.”

Though just 31, D.T.H van der Merwe has had a storied career – with lengthy contracts signed in Glasgow, Wales and most recently van der Merwe signed a 3-year deal with the Newcastle Falcons. With years of professional and international rugby come a fair share of injuries and van der Merwe looks no further than RebalanceMD for his off season treatment.

“Jeez, it’s been a process. My body always seems to have a niggly knock – right now I’m dealing with an ankle problem. RebalanceMD set me up with a top physician who helped scope my ankle and then got me connected to the physio I needed…”

From the elite of the elite athletes to non-athletes – RebalanceMD’s approach doesn’t change. Every patient is different and requires a personalized approach and for Merwe that’s what he’s appreciated most about the process.

“My schedule is tricky – I’m constantly bouncing in and out of training sessions. RebalanceMD’s flexibility in building around my life has been huge for me…and as well, they’ve got world-class staff – I put them in the same category as any pro team I’ve dealt with…”

To play off a common rugby analogy – ‘strength in numbers’ but in RebalanceMD’s case – its ‘strength is in diversity’. Patients and staff from all backgrounds unite under a common goal to seek better health.