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Thank you for trusting us to care for your patient.
All new physician consultations require a referral following MSP guidelines in BC.

See below for Referral Forms to request our Medical Services:


A reminder that all musculoskeletal referrals require an attached x-ray report  (current within 6 months) in order for the referral to be triaged. Information on preferred x-ray views can be found here: X-ray Views






Referrals are triaged every three to seven days. Urgent orthopaedic surgery referrals should continue to be directed to the on-call surgeon/clinician through the hospital switchboard at 250.370.8699. All other urgent referrals should be communicated via telephone to the specific physician.


In order to provide timely access to care for your patient, we are piloting a First Available Appropriate Surgeon Triage (FAAST) model. In this model, you can choose to refer your patient to a specific physician/surgeon or you can refer your patient to the FAAST. FAAST referrals will come through a central intake and will then be triaged by an MSK clinician and assigned to the first available appropriate clinician. This clinician will be an expert in musculoskeletal care – either a sports medicine physician, a orthopaedic surgeon, a physiatrist or physiotherapist working in conjunction with a physician. The choice of clinician will be based largely on the information that you provide in your referral, thus it is extremely valuable to provide a provisional diagnosis, severity of symptoms and description of treatment to date. The FAAST will institute treatment, further diagnostic tests if required or expedited referral to a surgeon if indicated.

All MSP referrals are individually triaged for acuity and if a wait for a specific physician/surgeon is expected to be greater than 5 months, we will communicate that to the referring physician and provide the option of an earlier assessment with the FAAST.


Our ongoing collaborative relationship with Partners in Care and Victoria and South Island Divisions of Family Practice will enabled us to provide accredited CME events at RebalanceMD. Stay tuned for more information about our upcoming events.


Our experienced physiotherapists are accepting new referrals. While physician referrals are not required, they are encouraged. Our physiotherapists work closely with our physicians to ensure optimal care for your patients.


One Bracing is able to provide a wide variety of splinting, bracing, footwear and orthotic devices to help your patient. Although not required, referrals are encouraged to ensure that your patient receives the best care. One Bracing clinicians work closely with RebalanceMD physicians and physiotherapists to ensure that your patient is being treated with the most appropriate device. Please see our services for further information about the services offered.

Hockey players taking faceoff
Rugby players in active scrum

Coaching Resources

At RebalanceMD, we value taking an active role in the community. We are particularly proud of our involvement with youth soccer programs on the island.




Rebalance Legacy Society

Please visit:

The Rebalance Legacy Society is a charitable organization based out of Victoria, BC, Canada, with both community and international focus.


Our doctors and physiotherapists provide injury prevention training to local youth sports teams by working directly with the coaches and the players. We also provide sponsorships for teams and athletes.

Abroad, our surgeons work with medical professionals to provide opportunities for further training, implement new technology, and streamline inefficient healthcare systems.

Our team will visit Uganda twice this year, providing new technology and training. We are also hosting Ugandan colleagues in Victoria for training this summer.

Our goal is partnership at both the community and international level. Collaboration is key in both making competitive sports safer for youth and bringing medical aid to those in need.

The Rebalance Legacy Society is a non-profit society registered under the Society Act of British Columbia and is a registered charity under the Income Tax Act of Canada.

Donations can be made via

Registration # 83860 3231 RR0001.

RebalanceMD Young Artists Competition

Every year, RebalanceMD has hosts its annual Young Artists Competition for secondary school students in Victoria and the surrounding communities. The competition aims to engage with the local community by encouraging creativity and culture in Vancouver Island’s youth. It is also a fantastic opportunity for aspiring young artists to gain recognition in the community and build a client history for their professional portfolios. Each year has been an astounding success, and we have been continually amazed by the talent that has appeared on our walls.

The day of the exhibition is always full of energy and excitement as the young artists arrive early to hang their pieces. Typically, nearly thirty secondary school students compete for six awards and a spot in the Young Artists Spring Exhibition, which remains on the walls of RebalanceMD after the day of the competition. After the artwork has been hung, RebalanceMD opens its doors to the public and hosts a gala for community members to come and enjoy the exhibition. Judges attend the event as well, and are often hard-pressed to decide on the winners.

 The RebalanceMD Young Artists Competition is always highly anticipated by the community, and is a wonderful way to connect with and support youth on Vancouver Island. We are proud to display the wonderful works of art that already call our walls home, and we look forward to the many more in the future.

Resources to help you prepare

Surgical Pre-Optimization Resources For Review While You Are On Our Surgical Waitlist

Resilience For Surgery & General Health

See our PROP Flyer here

We want to support our patients to be as healthy as possible for their surgery date while on the wait list.

There are many ways to improve a person’s physical and mental resilience, which can greatly impact recovery from surgery and overall health.  RebalanceMD has already enlisted internal medicine consultants, and anesthesiologists to see patients preoperatively to optimize any medical illnesses and identify potential issues for anesthesia.  In the last year, RebalanceMD has introduced a smoking cessation clinic.  This is one of the most important preoperative interventions; quitting smoking before surgery helps your tissues and bones heal more quickly and more completely, as well as decreasing risk of lung problems and blood clots.

More recently, we have begun to look at other ways to help optimize our patients’ health before coming to surgery in order to improve recovery and postoperative function.  We had hoped to bring you new options to explore in person at ReblanceMD.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are unable to offer these programs in person currently.  We are instead looking at ways to introduce some of these supports virtually.

So here is the beginning of our Presurgical Resilience Optimization Project, or PROP.  Please explore the links below and try out some of the suggestions.  We hope you will find some useful “props” to support you during this challenging time.

Some Good News:

There are many things you can do to improve your pain, your function, and your overall health while you are waiting for surgery.  Some of these ideas may seem counter-intuitive, or even a bit strange to you.  They don’t work immediately and require some consistent practice on your part.  However, there is plenty of research evidence to support how these practices can improve your pain.  The wonderful side effect is that they may also help you manage your stress better, always a helpful thing and especially helpful in our current stressful times.

Click on the links below for ideas of things you can do, and resources to help you introduce some positive changes any time in your life.

In summary, we hope this information is helpful to you.  Consider picking one or two areas to explore, check out the resources, and start experimenting to see what works for you.  We hope to expand our ability to support our patients virtually in the near future, and in person as soon as we are able.

Remember during this time of physical distancing, that social connection is strongly related to health and happiness.  Reach out to friends and family, even if you have to use a computer or phone to do it.  Be well!